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The Real Soy StoryThe importance of soybeans as an industrial crop didn't expand beyond Asia until about 1910. In North America soy was considered an industrial product and not used for food prior to the 1920's.Soy played an important role during the Great Depression because of it's nitrogen fixing properties. It was extensively used, as it had been done in Asia for centuries, as a green manure. Grown not as a food crop, but as a fertilizer to be plowed back into the soil where food crops would be grown. Henry Ford was the entrepreneur responsible for the soybean growth, spending approx $1,250,000 on research and using soybean products in Ford Motor manufacturing. Soybean were used as paint, in shock absorbers and as a soy based plastic for some car body parts. The Soybean Car was built in 1941 out of soy plastic. Contrary to claims made by those who profit from the soy industry, soy has never been a food staple in Asia. A study of the history of soy use in Asia "Shows that it was used during food shortages or by the poor and only then the soybeans were carefully prepared (by lengthy fermentation) to destroy the soy toxins. Asians understood soy alright." According to KC Chang, editor of Food in Chinese Culture, the total caloric intake due to soy in the Chinese diet in the 1930's was only 1.5%, compared with 65% for pork." Bulk Raw Foods Childhood Obesity Clay Baths World's Number1 Cash CropFast forward to today, Soy is now the world's number 1 cash crop. Nearly all soybeans are grown for their oil, 90-95% of soybeans are GMO. Soybeans contain about 19% oil. Soy has one of the highest pesticide contamination rates of our foods. Fields are generally sprayed with herbicides, pesticides and fungides about 10 times.Soybean oil is extracted under extremely high temperatures with hexane, a neurotoxic petrochemical solvent which enjoys hazardous air pollutant ranking with the Environmental Protection Agency. This processs poses serious environmental hazards. Hexane extraction is prohibited in any organic food processing but widley used in "natural" soy foods "made with organic ingredients." After the oil is extracted, it's refined and blended or hydrogenated and either sold as vegetable oils, or becomes part of an ingredient in processed, industrial foods. Have you tried to find any conventional brand mayonnaise that doesn't use soy oil as it's base? Soybean Oil Uses* vegetable oil* biodiesel fuel * industrial solvents, paints, cleaners * particleboard & plywood * finger jointed construciton lumber * hydraulic fluid and rail flange lubricants * soy based wood adhesives * found in carpeting * auto upholstery * cosmetics, soaps, candles Instead of throwing away the waste by product results of soy oil extraction, the soybean fibre, or meal, that is left after the oil is extracted is marketed and used as fertilizers, animal feed and finally for human consumption. Better know as the trickle down effect. Our friends at the USDA have strict regulations on the amount of soy that may be fed to animals because of the numerous known health consequences. The USDA has not set any limits on human soy consumption, we can gourge ourselves and fatten ourselves with as much as we like. Feed lot cattle and industrial milk cows are often given Hexane extracted soybean meal, and then you eventually eat the animal or drink the milk. The Soy Industry is a multi billion dollar business and a complete circle of profit, with nothing wasted. "Studies showing the dark side of soy date back 100 years," says clinical nutritionist Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story. The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America's Favorite Health Food blows the lid off nutritional dogma! Soy, Poison or Panacea?Nobody understands better than I do about the slap-in-the-face realization that the healthy food myth of Soy is a deliberate lie designed to deceive consumers.It makes me livid to see Soy Products lining the shelves in the healthy food sections. I've also noticed the word organic disappearing from many soy foods that used to proudly boast organic soy. More deception? I also used to eat some soy foods, tofu, some tofu cheeses, some soy milk even. Never enough to experience any long term effects, but I always had an inner uneasy sensation and decided that it was vital to thoroughly research all sides, all unbiased sides of the soybean controversy. Isn't knowing the truth better than being deceived? Unfortunately, many Americans still believe that unfermented and processed soy products like soy milk, soy cheese, soy burgers and soy ice cream are good for them. According to the survey Consumer Attitudes About Nutrition 2008, by the United Soybean Board, 85 Percent of Consumers believe the lies About Soy. Mission accomplished in the advertising game. The rise of soy as a health food is in large part due to highly successful marketing to otherwise health conscious Americans who tend to be trendsetters and are dying to be healthy. They don't like being made fools of. The survey also found that consumers rank soybean oil among the top three healthy oils, with 70 percent recognizing soy oil as a healthy oil, and depend on soybean oil, commonly sold as vegetable oil, as one of their two most frequent cooking oils. The other is the biggest Con-ola oil that you can imagine. This is deliberate shrewd marketing, misinformation, ommissions of the truth and outright lies, which will take time to unravel the myths about soy and reveal the soy health risks. Myths About SoyHow do these myths get started? Do you think that the Soyfoods Association of North America has anything to do with it?Myth: China has used Soy for over 2,000 years. Fact: Soy has been used in China for 2,000 years as a cover crop, or green manure that is plowed under to enrich the soil for future food crops that will be harvested. It was used as a fertilzer. Prior to fermented products such as Soy sauce, tempeh, natto, and miso, soy was considered sacred for its use in crop rotation as a method of fixing nitrogen. Myth: Soybeans have always been a food in China & Japan Fact: Soybean paste developed by the Chinese was used as a preservative for protein foods. If the soy bean was split into oil and proten. The oil was used as lamp fuel and the protein as a fertilizer, or for animals which needed to be fattened. Chinese & Japanese include about 9g daily of fermented soy products such tempeh, natto, miso. Fermentation creates natural probiotics that help maintain beneficial bacteria that our bodies need. According to KC Chang, editor of Food in Chinese Culture, the total caloric intake due to soy in the Chinese diet in the 1930's was only 1.5%, compared with 65% for pork. Myth: Isn't the soybean a food stable in Asia today? Fact: Traditionally Asian cultures do not eat heavily processed soy industrial foods such as soy milk, soy formula, Tofu & veggie burgers. Soy is used as a condiment and not a food staple. Myth: Soy is a healthy food Fact: Only 35 mg of isoflavones found in soy proten causes hypothroidism. This low thyroid level results in low energy levels, weight gain, depression & hair loss. Processed soy foods in the US contain 20g + per serving. Myth: Soy prevents breast cancer Fact: Soy contains dangerous levels of plant estrogens known to increase breast cell proliferation. Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story claims that "The soy industry consistently plays down the evidence that soy can promote breast cancer," Daniel said. "It is even using Breast Cancer Awareness Month as an excuse to push its products on unsuspecting women." Myth: Organic Soybeans are healthy Fact: Even organic soybeans have the same toxins, antinutrients and phytoestrogens that are linked to the same health risks associated with soybeans. They just don't have the pesticides, in the growing process, but do in the oil extraction process. "Although old-fashioned fermentation processes eliminate most of the antinutrients (protease inhibitors, phytates, etc.), all soybeans and soy products sold in the marketplace contain the dangerous phytoestrogens" Dr. Kaayla Daniel. While there are benefits to organic fermented soy moderation is recommended. As explained by Dr. Marina Zelenovic, a nutrition consultant, North American soil is full of aluminum, and soybeans has the unique ability to uptake it from the soil and pass it on to the consumer where it is toxic to brain function and the kidneys. Myth: Edamame is natural & healthy Fact: Raw or cooked, the antinutrients, phytoestrogens and toxins in edamame increase your health risks as with any soybean toxin. Just because it's natural does not mean it's safe or good for you. As an example, the leaves & seeds of cherries, peaches, almonds & apricots are toxic, peanuts, cassava & lima beans are toxic when raw. There are hundreds of natural plants & elements that are toxic and should not be eaten. According to Wiki For human consumption, soybeans must be cooked with "wet" heat in order to destroy the trypsin inhibitors (serine protease inhibitors). Raw soybeans, including the immature green form, are toxic to humans, swine, chickens, in fact, all monogastric animals. A huge problem associated with soy is that when vegetarians and vegans eliminate meat and dairy, they began to turn to soy for their protein source in every meal! Soy milk in your GMO cereal and coffee creamer, soy cheese on your sandwich, tofu, mayonnasie with soy etc. This represents an enormous amount of soy consumption. If you want to compare how your favorite soy products measure up, use this Organic Soy Scorecard What's Wrong With Soy?Isoflavones: Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen, which is a plant compound resembling human estrogen. Soy mimics estrogen. It can be important for men to minimize their exposure to phytoestrogens. The major concern relates to endocrine imbalances, potential breast cancer cell proliferation and infertility.The FDA regulates estrogen containing products, yet Soy products have no warning labels in the US. Israel and the French Food Agency require soy products to contain warning labels. Anti-nutrients are natural compounds that interfer with your body's ability to absorb nutrients. Other compounds interfere with digestive enzymes. The concern is compounded because of the masssive amounts of soy that americans are eating in everyday products. Hemagglutinin Hemagglutinin is a substance that causes your red blood cells to clump together, which prohibit proper absorbion and oxygen distribution to your tissues. Phytic acid binds to metal ions, inhibiting the absorption of all minerals, including iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc, all of which are important factors for your body's biochemistry. Almost all of us suffer from mineral deficiences due to our diets or foods grown in minerally depleted soils. This is of significant concern for vegans and vegetarians. Eating meat reduces mineral blocking effects. Only prolonged fermentation will significanlty reduce phytic acid content of soybeans, long slow cooking will not. Unfortunately, soy also has one of the highest phytic acid levels of any plant. Goitrogens found in all unfermented soy, whether GMO or organic. Goitrogens are substances that interfers with iodine uptake and suppresses the proper function of the thyroid which can result in an enlarged thyroid. Soy milk, particularly contributes to thyroid dysfunciton. Other Foods That Are Goitrogens Brussels sprouts, cabbage of all kinds, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, peaches, pears, spinach, strawberries, radishes, rutabagas and turnips & rapeseed Canola Oil. This increases problems for vegetarians & vegans because these foods are often included in their diets. Food that stimulates the thyroid include avocado, dulse, kelp, iodine rich foods, oats, bananas, tea, cacao and coconut. Soy Health Risks* Brain damage* cognitive decline * causes bladder cancer * PMS * malnutrition * Contributes to breast cancer * increased risk of asthma * birth defects * mood disruptions * compromises immune system * alters menstrual cycle * interferes with protein digestion * loss of libido * inhibits iron absorption * induces brain aging * increased heart disease * infant abnormalities * contributor to thyroid dysfunction or hypothyroidism * thyroid disorders * leads to kidney stones * immune system impairment * severe, potentially fatal food allergies * impaired fertility * danger during pregnancy and nursing * potential breast cancer for infants Vegetarians and Vegans are understandably resistant to learning the lies about Soy. Soy may be used as their primary protein source, and the importance of protein is indisputable. The good news is that they are likely already getting sufficient protein. Do You Have A Great Story About This Topic?Did you manage to over come your addiction? Are you indifferent and don't care and will eat soy no matter what? What is your interesting story about this? Share it! What Other Visitors Have SaidClick below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
soy and men Vegan Protein SourcesRaw foods such as legumes, nuts, nut butters, seeds, yeast, and freshwater algaes.Nuts & Seeds: Almonds, Cashews, Filberts, Hemp Seeds, Macadamian, Peanuts, Pumpkin seeds, Sesame seeds, Sunflower seeds, Walnuts. Vegetables Artichokes, Beets, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, all sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collard Greens, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Green peas, Green pepper, Kale, Lettuce, Mushrooms, Mustard greens, Onions, Potatoes, Purple Corn, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Turnip greens, Watercress, Yams, Zucchini. Legumes: Garbanzo beans, Kidney beans, Lentils, Lima beans, Navy beans, Pinto beans, Split peas. Whole Grains: Oats, Barley, Brown rice, Buckwheat, Millet, Quinoa, Rye, Wheat germ, Wheat, Wild rice. Fruits: Apple, Banana, Cherries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Huckleberries, Cantaloupe, Grape, Grapefruit, Honeydew, Orange, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Pineapple, Strawberry, Tangerine, Watermelon. Superfood Powders Raw Protein Powders Superfood Fruit Powders Tocotrienols (Rice Bran Solubles) Superfoods In a category by themselves and dozens of choices that can easily be included in any diet. Buy Organic whenever possible, check the Dirty Dozen list to see which are have the most pesticides. Real Lecithin Or Sludge?Lecithin was named by Maurice Gobley, a French scientist, in 1805. It's name comes from the Greek word"lekithos" which means egg yolk, and the egg yolk was the primary source of lecithin. It was a Healthy, natural food.Lecithin was valued for the fat water soluble compounds called phospholipids which are essential to our health and play a direct and vital role in every aspect of our health, including metabolism, memory, cognitive function, cardiovascular and liver function. Phospholipids are essential fat and water soluble molecules found in our cellular structure. They are a combination of lipids (fats) and the mineral phosphorous. It's impossible for any of our cells to function optimally without phospholipids. They are that critical. Soy Lecithin begins as a vile, toxic, Foul Smelling Sludge. After the war of 1812 American Whiskey distilleries began production. Alcohol production resulted in large amounts of wasted grain. They turned their expensive distillery waste disposal problem into profit. You can read more about the story behind 16 million tons of distillers grains and fuel ethanol waste being fed to our dairy & beef cattle. Got Milk? Around 1908 German companies were suffering similar waste disposal problems from their soybean oil refining industries. What could they do with the ever increasing mountains of that foul smelling sludge? Ever inventive and not to be out done, the European companies patented the process of creating soybean lecithin. Soy lecithin is created from the gummy industrial hexane extracted soy oil waste product. It's full of chemical solvents, and pesticides, is bleached to a more appealing color and is marketed as Healthy Soy Lecithin to unsuspecting consumers worldwide. Their shrewd hired gun scientists brewed up thousands of uses by 1939. You are seeing these products everyday in your supermarket, particularly in the Natural Food Section, where you can pay a premium price for toxins! We have the European initiative & genius to thank for Soy Lecithin being in our food supply for over 100 years and others to thank for it being unavoidable in processed foods and in things that you would never imagine, including Organic. You see, we have the USDA Organic Certification to thank for that. Currently the USDA allows around 275 synthetic chemicals in the production, manufacturing, processing or end "organic" product. If there is no organic equivalent for toxins such as Soy Lecithin, then it can magically be called Organic. So if there is no organic Mercury, Mercury and anything else can also be included in USDA Organic products. In fact, the duplicious USDA is also pushing Organic Standards to include GMO! Not exactly natural is it? And no labeling requirement showing those chemicals, so there's no way of knowing which chemicals you're buying! By accident or design? Phospholipid Level ComparisonsEgg Yolks have 30% phospholipid levels, free range have substantially more than industrial eggsgoat & sheep milk have phospholipids levels of 30-50% depending on the species, feed and season Cow milk around 20%+, if they're fed slop those numbers are drastially reduced Buffalo milk 30%+ but it's not readily available and they run pretty fast Human Breast Milk 32% Camel milk around 35% and not readily available in US markets Soybean oil ranges from 1.48 to 3.08%, ridiculously low isn't it? Yet they brag! Other vegetable oils have around .05%, pathetically low and not considered healthy oils So, how did Soy measure up in Phospholipid Levels when comparing itself to essential nutrients of real foods? Soy Lecithin TodayAlmost all phospholipid supplements are soy based, some are bovine. Read the labels or wouldn't Raw Goat Milk be a much healthier choice? I drink it daily!Soy lecithin is insidious, it's used as an emulsifier to keep water & fats from separating in processed food like substances such as margarine and other hydrogenated products. It's in peanut butter, candies, chocolate, dressings, teas, cereals, ice cream, artificial coffee creamers, infant formulas, mayonnaise, and just about anything you can think of. "Contains Soy" is found on many products because even trace amounts of soy protein can trigger severe allergic reactions and minute traces remain in all soy products, even fermented. Personally, my dollars don't vote for anything that has Soy in it. I've stopped buying many different organic products because someone convinced them to slip soy lecithin into their product. Wny not take the time to send them a later telling them why you won't be buying, and why you'll do your best to spread the word? Just because today your favorite product doesn't have it, doesn't mean that tomorrow or next week or next year that they wont slip it in. I find it in Organic Teas! Now, why does an emulsifier need to be in tea? Soy's Environmental DestructionIf you're using soy for sustainability or environmental reasons, you have made the wrong choice. There is nothing more environmentally destructive than Soybean plantations. The world wide figures for soybean plantings keep rising, are spoken of in the millions of acres and are truly unfathomable.The US, Brazil and Argentina count for 80% of the world wide soybean production. Brazil has taken the lead over the US since about 2004. 80% of the global soybean crop is used for animal feed, remember it's the meal left over after the oil has been extracted. South America ships 60% of it's GMO soy to Europe for animals that Europeans will eat, including all of the pesticides in the soy. US Soy Production Soybeans 78.1 million acres, with 12.5 million just for Soy Bio Diesel. 95% of all soy is GMO. Corn 88.8 million acres of which about 90% is GMO wheat 53.83 million acres, The USDA is considering GMO wheat Can you begin to imagine the multiple, toxic pesticides associated with the GMO and what those millions of acres could be planted in instead? Here are but a few examples of what 1 acre produces: corn 18 gallons of oil~ GMO cottonseed 35 gallons oil ~ GMO soybean 48 gallons oil~ GMO Hemp seed 300 gallons + 6,000 lbs high protein flour & no pesticides required for hemp Palm 635 gallons Music garlic 13,400 + lbs South American SoyWhile the Amazon is the world's largest rain forest it is also the home to about 25 million people including many indigenous tribes. The Amazon region is as large as the 48 US states, touches eight South American countries and represents about 40% of the total land mass in South America.Ranchers and land squatters are driving Amazonian deforestation to satisfy that insatiable demand for soy. Soy plantations push traditional farmers further into the forest, destroying more rain forests and transitional forests. Most of the soy is exported to feed meat and dairy animals, who are not biologically equipped to eat grains. Soy is also included in many dog & cat foods, causing further health disorders, as these animals are also not equipped to eat grains. There are more than 105,000 miles of illegal roads in the Amazon. There is the BR-163, known as the Soy Highway, running 1,100 miles deep into the Amazon. Soy plantations blanket the landscape, wildlife destroyed, forests destroyed, entire indigenous populations displaced. Just fleets of John Deere combines, illegal roads, pesticides & GMO. The indigenous Amazonian Indians have been protesting for years, unheard by the world, and massacred by their governments or Ranchers. Activists face intimidation at best or death because of Agi Industry. Soy TryannyThe Tyranny of Soy Agribusiness in Paraguay tells how Monsanto, Archer Daniels Midland, Cargill and a series of Brazilians agribusinesses are flexing their muscles in Paraguay, currently occupying 25% of all arable land for the production of genetically modified soy for export."The losers are Paraguay's peasant farmers, and they've mobilized to defend themselves, including getting a president into power who promised to help them." Positive Note? The Amazonian deforestation has caused a cascading effect of weather change, resulting in a drought this year. Gustavo Grobacopatel, the king of the Argentine soy industry states: "If export taxes are not lowered or international prices for soy do not rise, the farm production machine will suffer extreme damage. For the first time in my lifetime I have seen fields not tended, abandoned and not even planted because of the drought, no matter how bad things were we always planted something." Is eating Tofu or drinking Soy Milk reall worth this destruction? "All Truth passes through three stages, first, it is ridiculed, second, it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer Healthy Food Links
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