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What natural remedy will replace the dangerous blood pressure medications routinely prescribed to the elderly?

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Apr 06, 2011
What I do for high blood pressure
by: Toni

Hi Kitty

This is something that I have the "opportunity" of having first hand experience with. When they say that stress can kill you, it's true. High blood pressure is known as the silent killer. Many of us don't know that we have it.

You would think that I would have known. But, like many other people cruising through life, working too many hours, doing too many things, saying yes too many times, combined with some very high levels of stress SHOT my blood pressure up to measurements I was afraid to even check!

It's really very easy to bring blood pressure into healthy levels using nothing but natural remedies, at least for me and a few friends. We managed to drop our BP about 60 points in a couple of months, and keep it there.

Some of the Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Herbs offer great blends, their links are at the bottom of each page.

A few things I wouldn't want to be without are:

Hawthorne Extract

Hawthorn has been studied thoroughly and is shown to dilate coronary arteries, thus increasing blood flow. It also works support normal blood pressure and ease the heart' s workload by dilating arteries in the arms and legs.

Hawthorn has long been used in Europe for patients with congestive heart failure. Through a course of studies, scientists concluded that Hawthorn consistently improved heart function, improved ability to exercise and improved symptoms of the disease (such as shortness of breath and fatigue).

Hawthorn also shows promise for relieving the symptoms of angina. Because it is high in antioxidants, Hawthorn helps protect against the formation of plaque
which leads to atherosclerosis.

Of course, nothing contributes more to a healthy heart and blood pressure than healthy natural foods. My perspective is significantly different than conventional, but well aligned with other folks who do things naturally.

And of course, exercise. That can be anything from rebounding, swimming to walking every day.

Best of health


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