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Just Say NO To GMO!

The good news is that you can Vote With Your Dollars and say a loud NO to GMO!  Tell them you're not buying their Frankenfood and pesticides.

When purchasing fresh natural fruits and vegetables, these labels will help you avoid GMO like the poison it is!   These labels are for US markets, if anyone has information for other markets, it would be helpful to other readers.

Conventional Food Labels,  grown with herbicides, pesticides and harmful fertilizers, have four digits on their label and start with the digit 4.  Such as 4922.

Organic Food Labels,  are five digits and starts with number 9, such as 99222.  You can feel safe to grab all foods with this label,  it's organic and safe to eat or serve to your family and animals.

Genetically Modified Labels, start with the digit 8, as in 89222.  This is important to know as it clearly identifies the product as GMO.  You can drop it and run!  Don't forget to tell the supermarket manager why you won't buy GMO.  I find managers are interested and more than concerned about what consumers want.  They will not continue to stock their shelves with products that consumers reject.  If we are to reclaim our health, we must reject GMO.

50 harmful effects of GMO

You can also get a free   NO GMO Shopping Guide  to print and distribute to family and friends.  This guide will help show the hidden forms of GMO in conventional packaged foods.  GMO ingredients are in thousands of everyday foods.

Stores aren't obligated to tell you if fruits or vegetables have been genetically modified, or which packaged foods have GMO ingredients, and very few store do!  Although there are a growing number of ethical retailers who are committed to informed choices when it comes to GMO products.   Here is a   List of Retailers  by state that endorse The Non-GMO Project to ensure the sustained availability of healthy natural foods and non GMO options.

Like ice cream?  Check other ingredients but   Ben & Jerry are against GMO and have dedicated their Something Fishy ice cream to that cause.

Have fun shopping and please spread the word against GMO!

Are Americans Apathetic Or Ignorant?

Answer:  I don't care and I don't know.  Seriously, as a nation, we have become lazy and far too trustful that the  "authorities"  will always tell us the truth.  The things that are done in our name are against the wishes of many Americans, we need the world's help on the important issues.

Europeans must easily question our sanity.  Thirty countries, including Australia, Japan and all European countries have banned or have significant restrictions on GMO's.  The US FDA continues to protect corporations rather than humans, based on studies created by the very same companies who profit from the sale of GMO's.  We live in a twisted, corrupt world.

Here are some of the  Dangers Of GMO

                         Goat Milk Soap

                         Childhood Obesity

                         Clay Baths

GMO Defensive Shopping List Examples

There are currently seven food crops that have been genetically engineered:

   *  Soy  another dangerous food
   *  Corn
   *  Cottonseed
   *  Canola
   *  Hawaiian papaya
   *  Zucchini
   *  Crook neck squash

This means avoiding anything with Soy or Soy lecithin found in many chocolate, teas, thousands of products.

Corn Syrup, Corn Sugar or High Fructose Corn Syrup found in thousands of everyday foods.

Canola oil is used in many snack foods and in frying.

Some Foods That May Have GM

Engineered Poisons are found in common everyday foods such as, infant formula, salad dressing, bread, cereal, hamburgers and hotdogs, margarine, mayonnaise, cereals, crackers, cookies, chocolate, candy, fried food, chips, veggie burgers, meat substitutes, ice cream, frozen yogurt, tofu, tamari, soy sauce, soy cheese, tomato sauce, protein powder, baking powder, alcohol, vanilla, powdered sugar, peanut butter, enriched flour and pasta and hundreds of things that you would never suspect.

Five Simple Ways To Say NO to GMO!

Soy 91% + of all  Soy is GMO

   *  Chocolates use soy lecithin
   *  Many herbal teas have soy lecithin
   *  Mayonnaise
   *  Breads use soy flour
   *  Snack foods
   *  Cookies, Cakes, Candies
   *  Syrups
   *  Shakes use soy protein concentrate
   *  Formulas use soy milk
   *  Vegetable oils use soy oil

Today, it's virtually impossible to find food without some type of Soy in it.    US Consumers Have Been Given a False Sense of Security about the Safety of Our Food Supply

Corn 90% + of all corn is GMO

   *  Avoid high fructose corn syrup, now going through a deceptive name change to Corn Sugar, found in everything such as ALL American sodas, cereals, cookies, candy, salad dressings, spaghetti sauces, and 1000's other products!
   *  Sauces and baked goods use cornstarch, dextrose and maltodextrin
   *  Vegetable oils use corn oil
   *  Breads, tortillas, corn chips use corn flour
   *  Foundin dog and cat food, horse feed, chicken food

Canola 90% + originally considered an industrial oil from Rapeseed
   *  Fried and baked products use canola oil

   *  Most restaurants use Canola oil

Cotton and Cotton Seed Oil 83% + ( not considered an edible crop)

   *  Crisco
   *  Chips and fried snacks use cottonseed oil

Fortunately, there is no GM popcorn on the market, nor is there blue or yellow GM corn at this time.  GM sugar beets are now GMO and found in many cereals.

Free Kefir Recipe eBook from Cultures for Health

After GMO Dump Pesticides In Food

Once we've eliminated GMO foods, then we can concern ourselves with whether food is conventionally grown with dozens of pesticides or if it's organicaly, naturally grown, wholesome, fresh, natural, healthy food, as nature intended.

Recently the Presidents' Cancer Panel recommended that consumers eat produce without pesticides to reduce the risk of cancer and disease.  We were stunned with an honest report, and realize that this too may have a darker agenda of controlling  "food safety"  with  "safe"  chemicals.   Washing produce helps removes bacteria but is ineffective at removing toxic pesticides.

The EWG, Environmental Workers' Group, reported on the amount of pesticides in our fruits and vegetables.  The EWG came up with two lists:

The Dirty Dozen ~   fruits and veggies with  47-67 pesticides   in them, even after thorough washing.  Is it accidential that these are some of the most nutritional, anti-oxident rich, foods available?

   *  Peaches
   *  Strawberries
   *  Apples
   *  Blueberries
   *  Nectarines
   *  Sweet Bell Peppers
   *  Spinach, Kale and Collard Greens
   *  Cherries
   *  Potatoes
   *  Grapes
   *  Lettuce

The Clean 15  Are considered safer by EWG to eat when not organic, it does not say they are pesticide free.

   *  Onions
   *  Avocados
   *  Sweet Corn
   *  Pineapples
   *  Mango
   *  Sweet Peas
   *  Asparagus
   *  Kiwi
   *  Cabbage
   *  Eggplant
   *  Cantalope
   *  Watermelon
   *  Grapefruit
   *  Sweet Onions
   *  Sweet Potatoes

Custom Search

"Globalized industrialized food is not cheap: it is too costly for the Earth, for the farmers, for our health. The Earth can no longer carry the burden of groundwater mining, pesticide pollution, disappearance of species and destabilization of the climate.

Farmers can no longer carry the burden of debt, which is inevitable in industrial farming with its high costs of production.  It is incapable of producing safe, culturally appropriate, tasty, quality food.  And it is incapable of producing enough food for all because it is wasteful of land, water and energy.

Industrial agriculture uses ten times more energy than it produces.   It is thus ten times less efficient."  ~ Dr. Vandana Shiva, scientist, world-renowned author, and grassroots leader in India. Member of the Policy Advisory Board of the Organic Consumers Association.

What if Happy Tails Rescue earned a penny every time you searched the Internet?  Or how about if a percentage of every purchase you made with 2,400 top stores online went to support this worthy cause?  Well, now it can!   is a fast growing Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate.

Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, without the built in biases of other search engines and watch how the donations really add up!   also offers a new online shopping mall which donates up to 37 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause!  Thousands of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, ebay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you'll be supporting your favorite cause.

Since it doesn't cost you anything and you get proven search results, there's no reason not to use it!

We hope you'll not only use GoodSearch as your main search engine from now on, but will also tell your friends, family and co-workers so they, too, can start using GoodSearch to support their favorite cause!   Every little bit really does add up and can make a big difference for Happy Tails Rescue and the animals it supports.  Why wouldn't you do it?

Healthy Food Links

     Glycemic load      Little Changes      Recipes
Dirty Dozen      GMO      ORAC Chart      Soy
Food Wars      Goat Milk      Raw Food World      Super Foods

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Under the current FDA laws in the united States, it is illegal to make any medical claims for any health supplements or any other natural product.   This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to make any medical claims, diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any physical or mental condition, nor to prescribe any substance.  This site provides helpful natural information and is supported by compensation from quality advertisers and affiliate relationships.
