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BhringarajBhringaraj (Eclipta alba) is another cherished ancient Ayurvedic herb from the pristine Himalayan mountains where it's grown in sustainable, certified Organic farms (make sure that your source is) and is appreciated in the herbal plant world as "The Ruler Of The Hair."Bhringaraj is part of the 5,000 year old Ayurvedic holistic health system that creates balance and harmony in mind, body and spirit. For thousands of years Bhringaraj has enjoyed a reputation for use as a rejuvenative for the scalp and hair. Bhringaraj is considered a cooling, soothing herb and regarded as one of the best natural herbs to keep the scalp free of dandruff and to promote hair growth. Bulk Raw Foods Childhood Obesity Clay Baths Bhringaraj InternallyAyurvedic medicine considers Bhringaraj to be a superior liver tonic that helps stimulate and support liver and spleen function and aid digestive imbalances.Also used to help reduce mucous and relieve coughs associated with asthma. Bhringaraj has also been used as a poultice for wounds and as a blood purifier. Bhringaraj is believed to: * prevent aging * improves complexion * support teeth, bones & vision * main herb used for cirrhosis * supports hearing * used for hepatitis * removes worms & parasites * used in skin disorders * as a kidney rejuvenative * reduces inflammation * removes toxins The ancient Ayurvedic system is similar to all of the traditional healing systems. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic, Native American and many other old tried and true forms are very similar in their principals. They believe, as do I, that nothing exists in isolation, all things are connected. The herbs they use vary depending on what's available locally. These Ayurvedic Reference Books offer fascinating, in depth, learning opportunities. Some of the commercially available Natural Ayurvedic Hair Care products can show a difference system of herbal blends. It's nice to sample some that sound appealing, then the tough decision is which natural hair care blends would be fun to make on your own. One of the first all natural hair care products to make or try is very simple, but the results are incredible. Bhringaraj Oil is traditionally used to encourage healthy hair growth and better sleep. It isn't just about improving your hair in isolation, it's about improving other aspects of your life. All things are connected. Bhringaraj oil is an excellent choice for massaging the scalp and feet. Again, that connection. It also cools the head and calms the mind. For premature greying and hair loss, it's hard to beat. Any ideas about why rubbing oil on the feet would be good? Ancient holistic healing systems believe that the body's meridian points circle from the head down to the bottom of the feet and back to the head. Thus whatever you put on the soles of your feet will quickly circulate through your entire body. Bhringaraj Benefits* promotes hair growth* adds shine * makes hair more manageable * helps calm mind & body * prevents premature balding * helps with damanged hair * calms nervous system * considered to be a rejuvenative tonic * helps promote sleep when applied to soles of feet * said to prevent hair loss * beneficial to skin, hair & eyes * a cooling herb * prevents premature graying Bhringaraj can be used by itself in hair oiling, as a liver tonic or natural hair conditioner, it's also frequently combined with other herbs. Bhringaraj and Amalaki Hair Butter offers two Ayurvedic herbs best known for their benefits in supporting a healthy head of hair. Amalaki is an excellent fruit for eating with numerous beneficial properties. It is considered a cooling, soothing oil. While there can be no guarantees, traditionally this rich herbal butter has been used to help minimize hair loss and premature graying, considered a potent Ayurvedic rejuvenative, and especially known to keep the hair dark and lustrous; when applied to the scalp it often promotes hair growth. Since ancient times this herb has been used to blacken the hair naturally and keep it luxuriant. Also used for hair loss, premature graying, strengthening the roots, reducing dandruff and to help prevent split ends. A small amount is applied to hair and scalp after washing or gently massaged in prior to washing or left on over night. Can help promote sound sleep when massaged into the scalp. Gently massage small amount into hair after wash to help keep in place during the day. Contains: Sesame seed oil, organic extra virgin Coconut oil, organic Amalaki and Organic Bhringaraj, natural beeswax and vitamin E. Bhringaraj and Amalaki Hair Butter (4 oz Jar ) - $18.95 Make Your OwnDepending on how much time you have available, it's fairly easy to blend your own all natural hair care recipes to be used as a hair wash, conditioner or scalp massage. Home remedies for hair include everything that you can imagine and are limited only by your imagination or lack of time. Some easy blends to consider making yourself:* all natural conditioner * all natural shampoo * apple cider vinegar rinse * apple cider vinegar plus herbs rinse * hair oiling recipe * dry hair treatment * natural hair growth * protect and promote long hair * stop hair loss * itchy scalp recipe The list of simple herbal blends you can make yourself is really endless. Here are 3 very simple things to try: Coconut Hair Oiling Conditioner Take 4 oz Coconut Oil and keep in a jar by the shower. Take several spoons of coconut oil, rub it in your hands and then rub through your hair, running your fingers through your hair until it's totally saturated with oil. You won't be dripping oil, it will stick to your hair. Use the left over and rub on your face, hands, arms & legs. Leave on for an hour, several hours or overnight and enjoy how shiny and manageable your hair is. You'll also notice a difference in your skin with continued use. Now wasn't that easy? Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse For a simple but very effective all natural conditioner for your hair. Wash your hair as usual, then pour about 1/4 cup of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with warm water over your hair. Rinse after your shower, without using any other conditioner. Apple cider vinegar will help restore your hair's natural alkaline texture. If you color your hair or have damaged hair you might be surprised what your real hair feels like. Not to worry, with continued all natural hair care, you'll be able to dramatically improve your hair's condition. You'll be providing the right environment for healthy hair. Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is made from delicious, healthy, organically grown apples, and is full of zesty natural goodness. Certified Organic Bragg Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is unfiltered, unheated, unpasteurized and 5% acidity, and contains the amazing Mother of Vinegar which occurs naturally as strand-like enzymes of connected protein molecule. It's excellent. Bhringaraj Hair OilThis is also a very easy natural hair care recipe that you can do yourself. Take 4 oz Sesame Seed Oil a few tablespoons of Bhringaraj herb. If you want to darken your hair slowly heat the Bhringaraj with the Sesame seed oil, then allow to steep, without boiling for several minutes. If you want to ensure that you don't darken or color your hair, do not heat the oil, just blend in the Bhringaraj. Try a small sample first and make sure that you are not going to have a surprise with any unwanted color. Once you know how long to leave the oil on your hair, rub gently with your fingers and lightly wash out with an all natural shampoo or shampoo bar. Easy? Have A Great Story About This Topic?Do you have a great story? Why not share it with the world! Remember, that there are no failures, only learning opportunities. ![]() Will Ayurvedic Herbs Ddarken or Color my Hair?That is a good question. While some people might be looking for an alternative to harsh, synthetic dyes and their harmful effects, other folks may not be interested in having any highlight or color changes to their hair.Generally, most people do not accidentally experience hair darkening when using Ayurvedic or other herbs. That is not saying that herbs won't highlight or color hair, they will....but herbs that haven't been heated or boiled generally won't deeply color your hair. Some of the factors that increase the probability of darkening your hair with herbs are how long you leave the herbs on your hair and if the herbs are boiled or steeped for a long time before application. People with light colored hair are more likely to notice highlights or a color change, so strand testing for everyone is strongly suggested. You might discover that Herbal Hair Oiling makes your hair darker, or redder and can increase drying time. If you're ready to experiment and prefer blending your own Ayurvedic Hair Care this is one merchant that offers excellent quality organic Ayurvedic Herbs for your consideration, and at reasonable prices! This volumizing natural shampoo made with Amlaki fruit, Clay and Holy Basil is really incredible. Another nice thing about creating your own personal favorites is that you can use a natural shampoo or natural conditioner and then add some other essential oils or herbs for a truly one of a kind creation. Amalaki powder is generally used to make herbal tea or added to other juices and drinks. Amalaki can also be blended as a paste or tea for all natural hair care. Even though Amalaki is a small natural fruit, it isn't something you find at most local supermarkets. We buy our Certified Organic Amalaki by the pound, it's less expensive and you can depend on the quality if you plan to blend this little fruit into yogurt or smoothies. Amalaki Holy Basil Conditioner sounds good enough to eat and is made with the same food grade ingredients, but it's intended to be used only for a hair conditioner. You might also enjoy trying it with this unique Amalaki Shampoo We sure enjoy how our hair feels after using it! If you'd like to try something really earthy, this all natural shampoo made with Amalaki Clay, Holy Basil with esssential oils is really exceptional. Get Creative, Make Your Own Or Try TheseThis little fruit sure stirs my imagination, I hope it does yours too! It's particularly popular with people who have long hair and are interested in promoting natural hair growth and used as a hair loss prevention.Depending on how much time available, it's fairly easy to blend your own Amla recipes to be used as a hair wash, conditioner, scalp massage and is excellent as an overnight conditioner that helps promote sound sleep. Who could ask for more than that? Amla Shakti 10 traditional Ayurvedic herbs offers potent rejuvention, anti inflammatory, detoxification and adrenal stress relief. Blend with smoothies, juice, tea or yogurt. Find out more about Amla Shakti Shikakai Amalaki Hair Oil Is excellent for long hair to help promote beautiful growth and to strengthen hair roots while removing accumulated dandruff when used regularly on your hair and scalp. Shikakai herb is abrasive, for best results massage gently, do not rub, into hair and leave on for several hours or overnight. The deep pentrating effect will feed your hair and roots while you sleep. Wash thoroughly the next morning and enjoy the increased shine and manageability of your hair. Shikakai combined with Amalaki offers beneficial properties of both herbal plants. Apply just a small amount to hair and scalp after washing or gently massaged in prior to washing or left on over night. Can help promote sound sleep when massaged into the scalp. This rich herbal blend has been used to help minimize hair loss and premature graying, considered a potent Ayurvedic rejuvenative. You don't want to get this oil into your eyes, it WILL BURN, so be careful or rinse with water. Used regularly, you should notice some favorable comments about your hair and feel the softness. Contains: Organic Shikakai, Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Amalaki, Neem leaf, Organic extra virgin Coconut and Castor oil. Shikakai Amalaki Hair Oil (4 oz Bottle ) - $16.95 "The United States made us many promises, but they kept only one. 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