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Natural Remedies ~ a choice you can live with!
Natural Baby CareWhat could be more natural than a fresh, sweet, clean, healthy and natural baby.....just the way nature intended? Parents today realize the importance of giving their baby the right start in life.Caring parents are learning about healthy organic diets and chemically free baby products for their children. They are devoting equal attention to the important considerations and selection of what goes on their baby's skin and hair, as those ingredients will ultimately be absorbed into their baby's body and effect every internal organ. Simple SolutionsNatural baby skin care products such as Children's Herbs goat milk lotions, natural baby soap, natural baby oil, Have you looked at children around you, isn't it easy to see which ones enjoy a natural healthy diet and which ones eat industrial junk food or other food like substances delivered through car windows?Aren't the same shocking differences also easily seen in which children have used all natural baby care products? Do you see a difference in their energy and radiant health, moods, body weight, healthy hair and skin? Have you watched what they eat? High sugar industrial junk food or some natural real food without a label, like a banana or apple? Look at the adults and children around you, can you guess whether they eat a natural, healthy diet and use natural skin care products? Make Healthy Baby FoodIs your baby starving for good nutrition? Did you know that commercial baby food costs 7 times more than home made? If you're concerned about the artificial ingredients and cancer causing toxins Interested in controling the ingredients in your baby's food Select healthy, natural food for your baby Quick, efficient and easy to prepare Learn More ![]() March 11, 2011 Fukushima changed the lives of everyone living in North America. In spite of what the media and other talking heads are saying low levels of radiation over a long period of time are very harmful. 50 Plus Natural Remedies For Radiation Fallout Protection Some people are more susceptible than others: * Those who are already sick * Those who have weak immune systems * The elderly * Children, babies & the unborn Low levels of radiation will enter our food and water supply over the weeks, months and years ahead. Even after (when and if) Fukushima is decomissioned we can still expect numerous health problems. Many of these might ordinarily not be noticed by individuals, just part of life when a child develops leukemia, or when someone else gets cancer, or a friend develops a horrible immune system disorder, or people just don't seem as healthy as before. Dr Ernest Sternglass of University of Pittsburg presented the following infant mortality rate for the Pacific states, following chernobyl fallout in May 1986, just one month after Chernobyl: * May 1986 54% increase infant mortality in Washington state * May 1986 48% increase infant mortality in California compared to previous June * June 1986 245% increase deaths per thousand live births in Washington state * June 1986 900% increse infant mortality rate per live births in Massachusetts These problems will face those who inhale or ingest even the smallest particle of radioactive material: * premature births * increased deaths after live births * increased infant pneumonia & influenza * increased leukemia * increased learning defects * increased thyroid cancer * increased breast cancer * immune deficiency disorders * increased chronic degenerative disorders Geiger Counters/Dosimeters Childhood Obesity Clay Baths Healthy, Natural BeginningsThe important first decisions you make for your baby will effect him for his entire life.No where are the sad statistics more visible than in the Western world, where junk food fed children are suffering from obesity, diabetes, heart disorders and other un-natural disorders. In many western cities there are now many more obese, unhealthy people. What do these people eat? Do they use natural skin care products? Baby Depends On YouHealthy or unhealthy, the choice really is ours, but your baby depends on you to make the right choice. How can you go wrong by making the choice to give your baby a solid foundation in his or her life? How can you go wrong by choosing chemical free baby products? Synthetic chemicals are irritants that dry your children's skin and may cause multiple chemical sensitive and have unknown long term effects. By selecting an all natural and organic diet and choosing natural bady products you may discover that he has few if any allergies or skin rashes and enjoys a calm disposition with an inquisitive mind. ![]() Benefits Of Natural Baby CareOils that will help junior smell fresh and clean while providing their own beneficial properties.* Natural baby products are ultra gentle * Many are unscented * Essential oils offer beneficial properties * Natural products are good for the environment * Animals can also use natural products * Natural baby skin care will help junior smell fresh and clean In fact you don't have to use these only on Babies....adults enjoy the gentle pampering from these mild natural skin care products. Get more info on Diaper Distress Cream to Soothe and clear diaper irritations without the risk of unwanted side effects. Natural Remedies for Male & Female Fertility Sweet Earth Baby If you're the first person to share your "natural" baby story, we'll send you a 4oz Lavender Baby Oil! All natural, gentle & delicious made with Organic Meadowfoam Seed oil, Jojoba oil, Castor oil with Lavender Essential Oil & Vitamin E. Are Natural Babies Healthier?Moms, this is your chance to share your story about caring for your baby naturally. Many moms are afraid to try herbs or anything natural. You can share your great stories with them. ![]() "To know and not do is not to know." ~ Lao Tzu"
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