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A Better,Healthier Life

by Jack
(A Better Place)


I came across you and a link to this page from an Ecuadorian forum I am a member of. I would like to say that I appreciate your site, and what you are contributing.

A little over a year ago I was a successful businessman living and working in Washington State. I had a nice home, several cars and trucks, two boats, a motorhome, motorcycle, etc. All the trappings of the "American Dream".

I also had first and second mortgages on the home, a huge car payment,insurance payments, boat slip rental, an office and shop lease, in all well over $8000. a month in bills. I had two sons in college, employees and sub contractors, all who depended on me for their livelihood.

I had a handful of govt. agencies ending up with more of each dollar I earned than I did. I had regular tension headaches, I was stressed out and irritable. I worried about a thousand things, I did not sleep well. I was overweight, and out of shape. I ate fast food regularly, and processed food at home.

I was unhappy.

I had been dreaming of leaving the rat race behind for years.

Then,in the fall of 2010 a lady friend and I spent 5 weeks exploring Ecuador. I had read about it, and after deciding Mexico was not what I was looking for, decided maybe Ecuador was. We fell in love with Ecuador.

It is not perfect, nowhere is, but it felt right to me. When we returned home, I notified my family, and all concerned that I was retiring. In less than 3 months I sold my companies, all the toys, leased my home and was back in Ecuador.

A year has passed, and I am living a dream life. I have lost about 40 pounds, and gone from wearing tight 36" waist jeans to 34" waist jeans that are very loose on me. I am in better physical condition than I have been in decades. I live on the beach, take daily walks and swim almost every day. I am relaxed, calm, have no stress, no schedule, life is good.

I eat fresh fruits and vegetables, freshly caught fish and seafood and occasionally a grass fed beef steak.

Even the local pizza is made by hand with natural ingredients. I take a handful of herbs and supplements everyday. I make my own ionic silver, I use hydrogen peroxide when needed.

I place high value on the wisdom of the Shaman, and Shamanas I have met here. They, unlike some of our native American people, have retained the ancient healing knowledge and continue to share it with any who will listen.

I am an adventurer, and Ecuador is full of opportunities for adventure. It is amazing how much fun can be had in a country the size of Colorado. I prospect for gold, which is abundant here, and it supplements my income quite nicely.

Now before your readers say to themselves, yeah good for him, but he had lots of money to work with, I would like to say that because I was in a hurry to escape, I took much less money for things than what they were worth, and due to the terrible economy in the U.S. I carried contracts on almost everything I sold.

Some of the people I sold or leased to knew I was leaving,took advantage of me and I never will be paid. I have still managed to live very comfortably, and would not go back to my old lifestyle for any amount of money.

I am convinced I will live a much longer life now, and I know I will and do enjoy each day.

I hope that someone will read this, and say to themselves, maybe I could do what that guy did, and will.

It would make me very happy to think that I inspired someone to take that leap of faith to a better life. If you do, I believe you will be glad you did.

Good luck to you.

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Mar 07, 2011
A Better, Healthier Life
by: Sky

Thank you. I am sending your story to those I love in hopes, they too, will take the plunge. Some of us have wanted to leave this merry-go-round for a long time but have not found the place to go. You may have supplied that.
Again, Thank you!

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